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Purchase Orders
October 19, 2017

Recently several teachers have asked about using a purchase order (PO) to purchase music in the Online Store.

Purchase orders are extremely useful when keeping track of annual budgets. As such, we are completely set up to do this type of transaction. There are 2 methods available.

Email PO:


Mail by post PO:

Purchase Orders

25707 38th Ave NW

Stanwood, WA 98292

Make sure your name and email address are on the purchase order. We will send you an access code to the music while we are processing the purchase order. This will enable you to get your music order without delay.

I hope this makes it easier for you to order the 2017 collection or single names.

As always, wishing you every success.


Ken Kraintz

P.S. If you haven't visited us recently, I hope you like our new web design!

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